Daily Work of Justice series hosts event with public officials, community members
March 7, 2023
By Joseph Wehmeyer and Peerawut Ruangsawasdi
Thursday, March 2, the College of William and Mary Office of Community Engagement facilitated a community discussion about democracy as part of the Daily Work of Justice conversation series in, Sadler Tidewater A.
Virginia Del. Amanda Batten, R-James City, shared her thoughts after the event.
“I enjoyed it. It’s always interesting when it’s something that’s really structured. It was a little bit stilted, I think, at times. But I think the longer we sat there, the more natural it was to have a bit of back and forth,” Batten said.
Batten said she appreciated that the issue of housing was brought up during the conversation.
“That’s a hot issue around here, but it’s not necessarily one that is going to grab nationwide headlines,” Batten said. “But it’s still a controversial one.”